

Is it vegetable or fruit? It is one of the most puzzling of horticultural questions we get since most people think of it as a vegetable while it seems more like a fruit. So what’s the reality? Well, in our eyes it doesn’t really matter as long as they taste great. Can you guess what they are? Tomatoes and lots of ’em!

While Stone Ridge Orchard is known primarily for fruit, and apples at that, we are also known for food that tastes great. So a few years ago we started offering certain products that fit well with who we are as a farm and that tasted great. We teamed up with some great local farmers that grow really great crops like sweet corn, tomatoes, and potatoes and began offering them to our regular customers. The problem is that demand for these products exceeds their ability to grow them and supply their own markets. So we decided to take on that task and grow some of them ourselves.

This year we proud to be partnered with the the W. Rogowski Farm located in Pine Island, NY.  Cheryl Rogowski is “certified naturally-grown” and operates her farm according to the same ecologically sound practices as us. She grows 150 varieties of vegetables, some of which we carry at the farm stand.  We also partnered with Cheryl to create a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) that provides fruit, vegetables, eggs and pasta to our numerous members. 

All of our vegetables, whether we grew them or not, are grown with ecological standards, which means an eye to nature and good dose of Integrated Pest Management. Enjoy every bite!


In Season In Season   Subject to Availability Subject to Availability

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Sweet Corn                        